Monday, 28 August 2017

Why dandruff increases in rainy season?

Come monsoon and you have that unruly and tangled hair to deal with. But look close on the scalp. What’s that white powered things playing on the scalp and at the roots of the hair? Yes, these are the dandruff. Dandruff has often put you in that embarrassing situation before your friends and colleagues. No, it cannot be left untreated after that. Homeopathy treatment for dandruff is an affordable and effective treatment for the problem.

Signs of Dandruff

Dandruff is often mistaken as dry scalp. But is actually is more than that. Redness and irritation of the scalp is also seen in some people. Dandruff is a medical problem that affects every second person. It could happen to people in any age group particularly teenagers.
The signs of dandruff may differ from person to person. Dandruff may exhibit periodic patterns on some people. It could clear off for some time only to recur mostly in rainy season and winters.  But again some people do not exhibit any dandruff on their scalp but only notice them on their shoulders and dark clothes. But people with acute dandruff experience severe itching and shedding of flakes leading to social embarrassment.
But the question on the growth of dandruff during the monsoons and the rainy season needs to be explored.  Research and experiments have concluded that three factors work collectively for the dandruff to occur on the scalp. These are: fungus, sebum and skin irritation.

Fungus the main culprit

The scalp is a unique environment—dark, warm, and moist; quite appropriate for the growth of the fungus, Malassezia. The growth of the fungus is more during the moist rainy seasons. This fungus is efficient enough to break down the scalp oil or sebum into smaller materials or fatty acids. These fatty acids cause irritation to some people resulting in dandruff flakes. The other symptoms associated with the dandruff flakes like itching and dryness are also experienced by people.
The skin irritation potentials also dictate the extent of the dandruff flakes on the scalp. Some of us can be very sensitive to fatty acids. The reaction to irritating fatty acids in such people can significantly be very high. While it could be just mild in many people if they are not very susceptible to the irritating fatty acids.

Homeopathy treatment for dandruff

There are many anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market that claim to eradicate the flakes and the dandruff from the scalp. But the shampoos do not treat the cause of the dandruff and can be used as a temporary treatment.

 The natural treatment of Homeopathy for dandruff seems to be quite effective. Homeopathy treats not just the disease but the very root of the disease. The treatment for dandruff is also similar in Homeopathy. It does not just treat the symptoms, but the cause as well. The best part of the treatment is that there are no side effects of it. Further the remedies can be customized specifically for the case i.e. the person with the symptoms. Some of the homeopathy remedies:

  • Kali Sulph for profuse creamish- yellow scaly dandruff
  •  Phosphurous for dandruff with falling of hair
  • Thuja  for white Scally dandruff
  • Sanicula for scaly dandruff
  • Badiaga for sore and dry scalp

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