Thursday, 23 April 2020

10 Surprising Facts About Acne That Will Make You Think Twice

10 Facts About Acne That Will Make You Think Twice

ACNE FACT 1: Adolescents get Acne early
The proven fact is more than 88% of adolescent get acne. Girls during their puberty get affected by the acne risk problem. There are many reasons to it. The others get affected but the percentage is less. Acne risk is more to the females who turn into puberty.

ACNE FACT 2: Do not pinch pimples
One should not pop pimples at all. By doing so, the bacteria will go deeper into the pores. There is also a chance of leaving a permanent scar on the surface. The frustration of the patient makes them pinch or pop pimples. The medication prescribed for acne treatment should be used on it. Its best to apply an ice cube to the pimple which will reduce inflammation. There are medicines prescribed like benzoyl peroxide which kills the bacteria.

ACNE FACT 3: Sunshine cannot wipe out acne
Sunshine is unable to cure pimples. It is not the right acne treatment. It is a fact. The sun’s ultraviolet rays damage the surface of the skin. This will cause great sunburn. The after effects will be dangerous, as it may lead to skin cancer or premature aging as it is the biggest acne risk.

ACNE FACT 4: No official cure for Acne
Acne can last more than 18 years in adults and some to 5 years on teenagers. The acne will exist on the skin also beneath the surface. Acne prone people will have too many difficulties managing their acne. Acne Treatment through homeopathy will eradicate the problem. The changing of the skin will be a problem.

ACNE FACT 5: Pimples take time to appear
The wrong information about pimple happening overnight is untrue. Pimples take time to appear on the skin. Acne risk developing Could be several weeks. Due to excess dead skin clogging the pore, over production of oil, Inflammation, etc.

ACNE FACT 6: Acne cannot be cured by the spot
In the acne risk development process, pimples appear in the later stage. The pimple need to be treated together by acne treatment. Spot treatment will not help cleanse up everything. Just treating a visible pimple will not eradicate the problems of more popping up later.

ACNE FACT 7: Pores opened could not be closed
One cannot open pores by pouring hot water and then using cold water one can close them. They are just temporary substances made out of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The right acne treatment can cure it.

ACNE FACT 8: Acne is not caused by dirty skin
The bacteria which is on a human’s skin feeds on the excess oil and creates acne risk. One should wash face regularly with a soap will make the skin glow and remove excess oil. Then one should go for the right acne treatment.

ACNE FACT 9: Different exfoliators are used for different purposes
Some exfoliator which is also called a scrub uses beads to remove dead skin cells. Some exfoliates contain glycolic acid and salicylic acid. These help as the perfect acne treatment and make dead skin cells to get rid chemicals.

ACNE FACT 10: No fried item causes Acne
It is a fact that any oil fired product will not develop Acne risk. Eating oily food never will end up on one’s skin and move to the pores. The acne treatment should be the homeopathy treatment which will cure the problem.